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Minutes 2/28/01

MINUTES                                                 REGULAR MEETING
SPRENKEL ROOM                                           FEBRUARY 28, 2001

Members Present:        Chairperson Marjorie Anthony, Vice Chair Joe Carino,
                                M. Terrie Kyc, Janis Murtha, James Murray

Alternates Present:     David Guay, sitting for Edwina Futtner, David Fields, sitting for  Marilyn Morrison

Staff Present:  Economic Development Coordinator Denise Whitford

Members Absent: Edwina Futtner, Mark Lillis, Marilyn Morrison, Clifford Slicer, Alternate Daniel Seypura, Alternate LeRoy Vanderputten

Call Meeting to Order

Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Public Participation:  None.

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings

January 31, 2001 – Regular Meeting

Mr. Murray motioned to approve the minutes of regular meeting January 31, 2001 as presented.  Mr. Carino seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

January 31, 2001 – Special Meeting

Mr. Murray motioned to approve the minutes of special meeting January 31, 2001 as presented.  Mr. Carino seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Communications and remarks from the EDC Chairperson

Chairperson Anthony reiterated her thanks to the Commissioners for a job well done at the joint meeting with the Planning & Zoning Commission in January.  

Chairperson Anthony read an article published in The Hartford Courant on January 26, 2001 regarding the need for Class A office space in the suburbs of Hartford, particular in towns immediately east and west of Hartford.
Chairperson Anthony noted receipt of a booklet, Economic Review 2000,  published by Northeast Utilities.  She reported that all commission members will receive a copy shortly.  She also explained that she had contacted Northeast Utilities and asked them to do a presentation on the town and region.  Chairperson Anthony asked the Commission to consider inviting the Planning & Zoning Commission, other Commissions and the public to their presentation.  It was the general consensus of the Commission that other commissions be made aware of the presentation.

As a point of information, Chairperson Anthony noted information she received regarding the rental rates of Class A office space in a location in Greenwich being lowered 20% to $47/square foot.

Chairperson Anthony reported that, as a result of the special meeting on January 31, 2001, Chairman Mealy agreed to arrange a joint meeting with this Commission and the P&Z.  Chairperson Anthony reported that Director of Planning Marcia Banach contacted her today regarding plans for a meeting tentatively scheduled for March 20th to be attended by this Commission, P&Z, InlandWetlands/Conservation Commission and perhaps the Redevelopment Agency.  Chairperson Anthony stated that it was her understanding that this Commission wanted to meet directly with the P&Z before meeting with other Boards. The Commission concurred.  She added that Mr. Mealy was also in agreement with that scenario.  

The letter of thanks from Chairman of the P&Z, Walter Mealy, was read by Chairperson Anthony.

Mr. Fields distributed a flow chart he developed based on the information received at the January 21st special meeting.  Ms. Whitford indicated she would present it to town staff for their input and report back to this Commission.  Mr. Fields agreed to e-mail it to Ms. Whitford.

Report from EDC Coordinator

Ms. Whitford reported that the Town Manager and the Director of Finance went to New York recently and requested that the Town’s bond rating be raised with Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s.  The following information was provided by the Town in conjunction with that request:  total square footage of new facilities over the past three years:  1,200,000; new employees:  over 1,500.  Ms. Whitford pointed out that an exact figure on new employees was not available as only 50% of those facilities could provide that information.  The figures on future projects will equal 1,300,000 square feet, with a minimum of 1,800 new jobs.  The breakdown of public, office, retail and industrial facilities was reviewed.

Ms. Whitford reported on future proposed projects.  She reviewed the 5 trade shows she will be attending between now and July 1.  

Ms. Whitford updated the Commission on the meetings with Connecticut Transit and others regarding bus routes and shelters.  In response to Chairperson Anthony’s comment regarding contacting the Greater Hartford Transit District, Ms. Whitford explained that they are presently included in the meetings.

Ms. Whitford reported on the status of the Hi-G building.  She also commented on the following:  the Savings Bank of Rockville will have its grand opening on Saint Patrick’s Day, (she encouraged everyone to go through the building); a clinical psychologist is relocating to town; a meeting is planned with a health group to discuss location of a health club and rehabilitation service in the Buckland Gateway district; a meeting is planned with hotel representatives interested in the Buckland Gateway and the I291 corridor.

Chairperson Anthony recommended that Ms. Whitford contact a firm in Glastonbury to discuss a possible move to South Windsor.

The Commission clarified the need for the Town to provide maps delineating what has been developed and what is available to be developed (both for business and residential) before the March 20th joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission.  

The Commission reiterated to Ms. Whitford the need for a breakdown of the tax base for the past 5 years.  Mr. Carino noted that 5 years is necessary in order to determine a trend.  Ms. Whitford explained that the type of breakdown that the Commission wants is only available for the past 2 years because of past tracking practices.  She also pointed out the need to determine a set tracking period such as the fiscal year.  The Commission agreed that the fiscal year should be used.  Mr. Murray expressed his dissatisfaction, noting that the process of determining the breakdown of residential and business should be simple.  He suggested that the Town hire a summer intern for the project.

Report by P&Z Liaison:  None as Cliff Slicer was not present.

Report by IWA/CC Liaison:  None as Joe DeMaio was not present.

Report by WPCA Liaison

Mr. Carino reported on the recently approved commercial and industrial sewer connections.

Old Business

Chairperson Anthony asked for input from the Commission on agenda items for the joint meeting with Planning and Zoning.  In response, the following suggestions were made:  ascertain the direction the P&Z is going with the Plan of Development, i.e. 80-20, or 85-15 residential/business ratio; ascertain what criteria is used by the P&Z for establishing development and growth; discuss how the EDC and PZC can work together as a team to attract business.  

General Discussion

Ms. Whitford pointed out that the developer’s guide put out by this Commission has not been updated for 8-10 years.  Chairperson Anthony indicated the Commission would work on it.

It was clarified that the chairpersons and secretaries for the Planning and Zoning, SWPCA, and the Inland Wetland/Conservation Commissions were requested to add this Commission’s liaisons to their mailing lists.

At 9:05, on a motion by Janis Murtha, the meeting adjourned.